Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Antara Qurban Hewan dan Qurban Manusia

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Thing that is more crucial than sacrificing animals on Ied-Adha
I got a petition from a forum i joined condemning animal sacrifice practices during Ied Adha time. Briefly, they advocated like “it’s so savage when it comes to animal sacrifices during religious occasions. Most of these animal sacrifices take place in open areas near religious places watched even by children. The animals are killed by untrained persons causing much pain to them. Moreover, other animals also watch it causing trauma to them.”
Well there is always much agreement and disagreement as to whether animals have right and I am not bother with whatever they reason. But often people even my friends in other side of the world ask if animals should have rights and quite simply my answer is yes! Animals surely deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation. While it may sound logical for people wanting animals such as farm animals to have rights, animal rights extend much further than that and the concept of rights that people advocate for animals, doesn’t be on the same boat. A right as the theory suggests, is made by a moral agent under principles that govern both the claimant and the target of the claim. The idea of animal rights however, strives to make all animals have the same legal standing under the law of human being. If so, this would mean that mosquitoes, spiders, or fish for instance, would be on the same legal standing as human in which human can be charged with manslaughter under the idea of animal right, yet in fact, no one brings lions to trial for murder when they kill a wildebeest, noone reasonably expects a tiger to feel guilty for devouring a zebra and a cat regrets for toying with a mouse. As absurd as these examples may sound, giving them rights doesn’t mean giving them the same or equal rights as human. Equality doesn’t require identical or equal treatment. It fulfills what is need not what is wanted and human have duties to treat animal in the good ways, look after them, that’s what so called rights for animal.
While people are often seen wearing wool, leather, and eating McDonald’s burgers, the issue on animal sacrifice has no ending and is harder to answer because it’s more subjective. The opponents keep pointing and asking why the practice of animal sacrifices is justified in the name of God during certain religious celebration, say Ied Adha. I don’t see the point of asking this as an Islam-specific question. Animal sacrifice as far as i am concern, to various deities has been around since the beginning of religion, and it exists even in sects in Hinduism and Sikhism and that similar discourse is also circulated around other celebrations carrying out mass animal slaughtering such as turkeys for Thanksgiving or chickens in the days leading up to Yom Kippur. This is to imply in accordance with one of the holy books stating that animals were put on earth to serve human beings. 
Unless you are vegan and forbid the killing of animals for all purposes, I find the outcry about religious sacrifice awkward and hypocritical. Around million animals are slaughtered every month for meat: cows, pigs, goats, chicken, rabbits, and you can presume which cattle with high number get slaughtered every month for food. If you wouldn’t eat beef why eat dog? If you wouldn’t eat dog why eat pig? Dogs, cows, chickens, pigs, have the same capacity to feel pain but it is prejudice based on species to think of animal as a companion and the other as dinner. Meat is good food and if religious sacrifice allows to donate of meat to the poor and the needy, why create a fuss about it? I remember when I was kid, eating meat is the prestigious thing for my fam for we did not enjoy the meat anytime we wanted. I wasn’t raised in an affluent family and when and that Tasrik moment (3 days after Ied) was probably one of the most awaited day for me and the other needy people hoping someone carrying bags of meat knocked my door. Once I got it, I was like the most fortune person in the world.
While seeing this issue furthermore in current context, where muslims slaughter the animals, enjoy eating meat in Tasrik days happily with their belong family, and the outrages’ opponents for the animals’ blood that spill, we forget that in Myanmar, an ethnic are being slaughtered tracing a question to be brought up as the alteration for the previous status quo, of whether the human are worthless than an animal and we wonder if human are justified to slaughter other human race as well as wondering why the opponents are keeping in silence. Inspired by Miss Ira' thought at the previous post.

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