Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gender Representation in Television: Should TV programs that Show Gender Identity Disorder be Banned?

Television is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting moving images and sound1. It is undeniable that television is one of the greatest inventions in the modern era. Television has become the main source of socialization in many modern societies (Gerbner et al. (2002)); however, its role as a media which extents many information can alter cultural traits and beliefs of societies through the dipictations of Gender Identity Disorder in the television.
For clarity purposes, the term of gender identity disorder refers to a person or people who are more comfortable to be the opposite gender and discomfort with his or her own assigned sex2. Several TV programs that I may take into account in this essay are the programs which relate to the entertainment. Those are Dashyat in RCTI, Inbox in SCTV, The Terong Show and Duo Pedang in Indosiar, Facebooker in ANTV, and YKS in Trans TV.  The purpose of the TV programs that I have mentioned is to entertain people; however, I believe that those TV programs which depict gender identity disorder should be banned for three reasons to do with the effects on the general society, the dignity of gender, and the effects on children..
First, it is said that TV programs implicitly bring new culture that can alter the personality traits and beliefs for the society. Many studies have revealed that television changed women’s status in rural India (Jensen and Oster, 2009), that television has decreased participation in social organizations in Indonesia (Olken, 2006) and that exposure to soap operas in Brazil has reduced fertility (La Ferrara et  al, 2008) and increased divorce rates (Chong and La Ferrara, 2009). With all of the findings in the studies, is it imposible that gender representatives in Indonesian TV programs affect the personality traits and beliefs among Indonesian societies? The presence of some actreses and actors in the mentioned tv programs who behave as gender identity disorder, for instance, a man dresses like a woman and his gestures depict action of effeminate may alter the paradigm of Indonesian people towards such a disorder. Some countries in the world for instance France and USA may have legalized many kinds of sexual disorder such as gay, lesbian, bisex, and transgender which are famous as “LGBT”. For clarity purposes, the definition of a lesbianis a self-identified woman who is attracted to other women; a gay man ia a self-identified man who is attracted to other men; a bisex individual is someone who is attracted to their own gender and also to other genders; a transgender individual  is someone who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth (Kahn, 2014). However in Indonesia, those kinds of sexual orientation disorders are still taboo due to the ideology of Indonesia itself which upholds religious and moral values. If the programs still exist in Indonesian TV channels, people will see that such disorders are a naturalness and they will consider it as a common thing. As a result, they will seem to lose their awarness towards that matter.
Second is to do with the dignity of each gender. Based on previous research in the field of gender studies in the media, it has been argued that man and woman are viewed differently, and this view lives on in how they continue to be represented or framed within the media (Ottosson, 2012). It is also in line with the study of Houston who reveals that depictation can influence attitude, values, and actions of the people who view them (Huston, 1992). In these entertainment programs, each shows the actor and actrees who play a role. A role often depicts a gender representation that acts as Gender Identity Disorder. When actors or actrees acts in an opposite gender, it seems to underestimate the role and the position of the gender which is roled by them. To ilustrate, TV shows hosted by men with effeminate characteristics and mannerisms or a man who acts like a woman potrays undermining himself as a man as well as underestimating woman characters. These actions are easily found in Dashyat, Facebookers, and Duo Pedang. They argue that the actions are on behalf of popularity. Even some of them seem to be proud of having that kind of gender identity disorder. It is in line with the argument of one host of “Duo Pedang” who is being questioned in the interview between him and journalist of He said:
Menurut aku begini, aku digosipin homo, banci, kenapa, masalahnya apa? Kalo saya jadi homo masalahnya apa dong? Kalo saya ingin jadi banci kenapa masalahnya? Kalian bisanya sirik saja, saya kaya gini tuh buat cari uang. Yang paling penting kan tidak merugikan kalian semua!

            (“In my opinion, when people think that I have gender identity disorder, I am just wondering what the problem for you is. If I became a gay, what is the problem? And is it your bussiness If I want to be a transgender? You just can do envy, I do this to earn money. The most important is that i don’t harm you all!”). (Nassar in

From Nasar’s point of view, it indicates that the gender identity disorder is a common thing that cannot be consider trouble. He believes that as long as his actions do not harm for people, that kind of disorder should be understood in terms of tolerance. In fact, his actions portray the unussual mannerism that can change cultural trait and beliefs in society. 
Last, the presence of those kinds of programs may impact to the children. Young children are highly vunerable to the teachings of media because they seem to have no critical capacity necessary to distinguish between fantasy and reality, to identify persuasive intent, or to understand irony and disregard stereotypes (Graydon, 2012). Children will question about his role in the society. They may think that man and woman have the same role in the society. As a result, children may follow the trend in the television. It is said that there are many children who act in the opposite gender such as boy wants to wear girl’s cloth and so on. This needs a preventive action and attention as this will build children’s characteristics to be carried out until his maturity age. Children are innocent. They will imitate what another people do. It is unfair if we let our young generation are fed with such inappropriate mannerism.
In conclusion, gender identity disorder which depicts on television seems to bring several negative effects that I have mentioned above. Having a diversity in terms of religion, beliefs, and gender is one’s right. We affirm each person’s ability to judge for themselves who they are and express themselves in the way that is most fit to their soul. We honor the diversity of thruts and cultures that exists within the communities, but will we solely keep in silence letting them affect the society? Here, the role of government is very important. Indonesia has Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia that can manage and filter the programs in Indonesians’s tv. We can look at Malaysia. Malaysia’s Information Department has banned TV shows featuring gender identity disorder since 2012 as reported by Star newspaper3. Besides, the role of parents are also needed to watch and direct their children into the appropriate programs because i believe that there is no parent who wishes his beloved children to live abnormal.


1Wikipedia definition in

2Psychology Today. 2012. Gender Identity Disorder. On

3Mackey, Michael. 2012. Malaysian government Band gay TV Characters. On

Gerbner, George, Larry Gross, Michael Morgan, Nancy Signorielli and James Shanahan. 2002. "Growing up with television, cultivation process" Chapter 3 in Media e¤ects: advances in theory and research (second edition) edited by Jennings Bryant and Dolf Zillmann, LEA London.

Graydon, S. 2012. Gender Issues In The Media. Mediawatch. {[Online}. Retrieved from

Houston, A.C. 1992. Big world, small screen: The role of television in American society. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Jensen, Robert and Emily Oster. (2009). The Power of TV: Cable Television and Women.s Status in India.  Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. 124, No. 3, Pages 1057-1094.

Kahn, Heather. 2014. LGBT Parents on American Television. Mississipi; The University of Southern Missisipi Press.

La Ferrara, E., A., Chong, and Duryea, S. 2008. Soap Operas and Fertility: Evidence from Brazil,.BREAD Working Paper No. 172.

Olken, Benjamin A. 2009. "Do Television and Radio Destroy Social Capital? Evidence from Indonesian Villages", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 1:4, 1. 33.

Ottosson, T. 2012. The Representation of Gender Role in the Media. Department of Economics and Informatics, University West

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