Monday, March 3, 2014

A Discussion Text (Writing in Professional Contexts)

The Discourse of Relocation the Capital city of Indonesia: The best solution of solving problems faced by Jakarta?

A discourse of moving the capital city of Indonesia to Palangkaraya or to any part of city in Indonesia was a strong issue that has risen since 2011. The issue is controvesial that makes many Indonesian people agree and disagree with the issue.
This essay will discuss several aspects of the discourse of relocating capital city of Indonesia from both for and against sides. Those who agree with the discourse of relocating the capital city of Indonesia state three arguments which are related to do with geography, social, and economy perspectives in which they belive that the discourse is the best solution for Jakarta. 
First, those who support the relocation of capital city of Indonesia believe that a capital city should be located in the center of the country. This is in line with the article from Cabinet Secretariat of Indonesia which quoted: “Ideally, the state capital is located and protected in an inner circle that is affordable to defense. Not on the front porch or the back of the territorial state” (Chaniago, 2013, p.14). This would relate to the accessibility of the city from all the area in the country. In fact, Jakarta is in the west part of Indonesia, there has been growing concerns that the development of the surrounding area that benefited from the capital city would be centered only in the western part of Indonesia. This is supported by the statement of AndrianofChaniago, a team member of Indonesian vision 2033 in Tribun news (12 September 2013) vol.1 who said “With the rapid advancement of Kalimantan, it will become a rung to advance the East region, which was still left behind. It doesn’t center only in the western.”A country that has centered its capital city for instance, is Turkey. In 1923, the capital city of Turkey is moved from Istanbul to Ankara because geographically Istanbul is in the west part of Turkey (Rawat, 2005). In addition, to support the government activities, the capital city of course should save from the distraction of natural distraction. Palangkaraya which is in Kalimantan, however, is suitable to be a capital city of Indonesia as the head of BNPB has stated that Kalimantan is an earthquake-free region (Nelis, 2011). It is believed that it can support the government activities in the future.
The second reason for those who support the relocation of capital city is related to do with social perspective. People believe that the biggest challenge which is being faced by Jakarta is overpopulation. Overpopulation can be simply described as a situation in which there are too many people like in the city (Suryadarma, 2012).   According to the data from Jakarta Statistics Center Agency, Jakarta is inhabited by nearly 9.9 million people in 2013. It is shown in the table of population in Jakarta based on the JSCA below:
Seribu Islands
South Jakarta
East Jakarta
Center Jakarta
West Jakarta
North Jakarta
DKI Jakarta
Table 1 is related to do with the number of population in Jakarta from 2008 to 2012
Source: Jakarta Statistics Center Agency (2013)

It is believed that if the government lets Jakarta with the high rate population, the number of population in Jakarta will be overwhelmed. The overpopulation will lead to the problem of demography such as traffic congestion, bad ecology, unemployment, and health risk (Agassi, 2013). In fact, these problems have occurred in Jakarta nowadays. These problems are hard to solve if the administrative center of state is still in Jakarta.
Furthermore in social perspective, it is said that the relocation of the capital city would build steps to streamline the accelerated development program in eastern Indonesia, a regional, outer islands and border areas. It creates a sense of justice among people. As the speaker of House ofRepresentatives has stated that relocation of capital city also embody a sense of justice and eliminates discrimination in the level of development among regions as the national capital to reinforce a sense of one nation (Alie, 2012).
               Third, those who are for side, look at the economic situation. It is believed that the relocation of the capital city would stop the economic waste caused by congestion which siphon/take funds tens of millions of dollars every year.By now, Jakarta is estimated to lose US$3 billion a year because of traffic congestion(SuaraPembaruan, March 09, 2011). People argu that it would be wiser if the funds are allocated either for the economic development in remote areas or for the new infrastructure development. Similarly, Chaniagosaid that congestion is not possible to be solved through pre-procurement and repair of facilities or by the methods of advanced engineering techniques.Furthermore, the relocation of the capital city will create new job opportunities for the citizens around (Rawat, 2005).  Apart from economic opportunity to create new jobs,Chaniago says that the removal will also shift the epicenter of national development from west to east (Chaniago, 2013). This shift is the distribution of development efforts which is so far concentrated only in western Indonesia. Chaniago added, the relocation also builds an effective way to revive the economic maritime and fisheries which the city of governmentare closer to the water areas that have great potential in maritime and fishery sectors (Chinago, 2013).
               On the other hand, those who dislike with the discourse of the relocation of capital city of Indonesia believe that the discourse is not the best solution for Jakarta. They state three arguments which are related to do with environment, economy, and social and culture perspectives.
               First is regarding the environment perspective.Many people believe that the new big city in Kalimantan will make change in the environmental situation. It can leads to the Global Warming. It is supported by the statement of presidential decree which stated that about 45 percent of broad Kalimantan is for the world’s lung. (Perpres No.03. 2012)
               Seconds, is related to do with economy perspective. There are two parts from this perspective. First is about the economic growth in Jakarta. As stated in Ministry of public works site ( Jakarta has been named as one of the worth places to visit among many big cities in Asia. Just have a look at the table below,
Figure 1 is related to do with the number of International Tourist in Jakarta from 1995 to 2013
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2013)

The large number of both domestic and international tourists will increase the income of Jakarta government. It is in line with the head of the Jakarta tourism agency, ArifBudhiman, which said, “By the increase in domestic tourists and foreign tourists to Jakarta it will result in increased cash for the tourism sector in Jakata. in addition, it will also open up a means for citizens to develop their business.”
               Third is from social and cultural perspective. When Jakarta is moved to Palangkaraya, it is believed that there will be a change in social and cultural in both Jakarta and Palangkaraya. Kalimantan, especially in Palangkaraya, there will be an increase in the number of population and the people will make a society. Since this, they will create new culture and new norm (Jatnika, P. 2010). This is in line with the statement of Prasesa who said, “There are some negative things for the removal of the capital of the island of Borneo, the indigenous people of Borneo probably mostly the younger generation, they will lose some of their cultural identity because of assimilation and acculturation as the rapid flow of people from all over Indonesia, which has a variety of cultural. The nature of Borneo also will change that previously were mostly dominated forest areas will be filled by the new towns built for economic reasons and it may threaten the sustainability of the natural flora or fauna of Borneo as has happened on the island of Java, since hundreds of years ago.” (Prasesa, A. 2013;1)
In summary, after looking at the arguments of both side above, I believe that if the capital city of Indonesia is moved to Palangkaraya, it will solve problems which are being faced by Jakarta as the explanation mentioned above.

Bibliography and Works Cited
ü  Dascher, K. (2000). Are politics and geography related? Evidence from a cross-section of capital cities. Public Choice, 105, 373-392.
ü  Agassi, E. (2013). AnalisisFaktor-Fakor yang MempengaruhiPemindahanIbukota Negara. Bogor: IPB Press.
ü  Rawat, R. (2005). Capital City Relocation: Global-Local Perspectives in The Search For An Alternative Modernity. Department of Geography York University Toronto, Canada.
ü  Resudarmo; Suryadarma. (2012). “The Effect of Childhood Migration on Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants in Indonesia”. Australian Nation University. Retrieved September 2014
ü  “Statistik Indonesia 2012”. Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Retrieved September 2014
ü  Nelis. (2011). GempaLangkaMengguncang Kalimantan. [online] . Retrieved from Accessed on September 20, 2014

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