
Nama : Ori Istihari

Twitter: Hari Saniscara(@oriistihari)

TTL : Ciamis, 03 Maret

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

Hobi : Bermain

Gol. Darah : O

Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

IPK : 3,76

A person who enjoys reading in a spare time to have more quality life. A language lover, currently learning another foreign language to get some fun. A student who loves learning lots of different things, interested in hiking and exploring diversity in most cultures worldwide. A type of person who likes writing social issues, the most spoken ones, and makes the most of his time figuring out new things as a way to learn and upgrade the skill. I am into research, most specifically related to educational stuff, and language diversity (classroom atmosphere, bilingualism, language acquisition, and am enthusiastic in anxiety-provoking issues in classroom context)

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