Tuesday, November 3, 2015

“The Promising Development of Korea-Indonesia Diplomatic Relation”

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Tugas: Ringkasan Seminar
Key-note Speaker: H.E. Mr. Chao Tai-Young

1.       Sebutkan kebijakan-kebijakan pokok Kedubes Korea!
In the seminar the key-note speaker did not state explicitly the main policies of South Korean Embassy. However it could be inferred from the seminar that the general policies of the Korean Embassy comprises enconomy, politics (it includes the visits of both sides), military, investment, sosial and cultural, and matters pertaining to manpower. The basis for corporation put forward the values of democracy and market economy that have mutual understanding for countries it adjoined. 
2.       Sebutkan isu-isu penting dalam hubungan Indonesia-Korea!

Main construct underlying the relation of both countries:

  • Consideration the demography of Indonesia which have big potentials for natural resources and human resources. 
  • Indonesia and Korea confess three bases for cooperation. Democracy and market economy values place the first notion, while the second base concerns about national agendas and political will to contribute to international peace, security and prosperity and the last is complementary economies that are mutually beneficial for both countries.  
  • The South Korean Embassy has the thought to unite the two Koreas (South and North), however the South will not embrace communism of the north, but the South will try to persuade the north to embrace Democracy (Capitalism) in a peaceful way.

Some sectors in relation to the diplomatic policies between Indonesia and Korea:
1.       Energy and natural resources. Indonesia as the 2nd biggest supplier of coal and gas and the 10th largest supplier of oil in Korea. This can be mutually beneficial since Indonesia has large number of natural resources and Korea has technology and capital. Krakatau-Posko (KS) Integrated Mill, Various Power Project are the instances of this cooperation.
2.       CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Activities. Best examples of Korean companies’ CSR programs are Samsung Learning House and Scholarship programs for outstanding students.
3.       Defense sector, 209-class submarine procurement program. Additionally, Indonesia and Korea also make successful delivery of 16 T-50i “Golden Age”. IFX/KFX Jet fighter joint development program that was agreed by Indonesian government on October 6 2014 (2014-2025).
4.       Forestry project. Bilateral forest cooperation began to take place in Kalimantan. It strengthens cooperation in newfields such as forestry blomass, climate change (REDD+) and ecotourism. Korea-ASEAN Forest Cooperation Agreement at the 14th Korea-ASEAN summit (2014).
5.       In ICT ( Information and Communication Technology (ICT))
Samsung as the advanced cell phone company in South Korea may be the representation of ICT bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea.
6.       Cultural Exchange
There are some notions in cultural exchange to provide adequate information of learning cross-cultural communication. To illustrate, Korean cultural center in Indonesia (established in 2011), Korean Tourism Office (KTO) in Jakarta, Establishment of Korean Corner at UI and Unhas, Support for Korean Studies in Indonesia (at UGM, Unas, UI)

The general lecture themed “The Promising Development of Korea-Indonesia Diplomatic Relation” aims at illuminating and giving information of the basic notions of how the bilateral diplomatic relationship between Indonesia and Korea are reinforced. The main objectives of this general lecture are bounded in four. Those encompass the relationship between Korea and Indonesia, the portrayal of Korea-Indonesia relation, the presence of North Korea, and Dokdo and east sea. The condition of Indonesian demography which describes the richness in both natural and human resources attracts countries to do bilateral diplomatic, included Korea. The relationship began on 18 December 1973. The development strategies of both countries keep efflorescing in years (2006, 2014). As the results of this bilateral diplomatic relationships, it impacts on several sectors in energy and natural resources, Corporate social responsibility activities, defense, economy, ICT, forestry projects, and cultural exchange.

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