Tuesday, December 22, 2015


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Foreign language learning is comprised of several components, including grammatical competence, communicative competence, language proficiency as well as changes in attitudes towards one’s own or another culture (Thanasoulas, D. 2001). As an international language, English has been used in very wide areas accross the countries. In English conversation, being able to understand people whom we are talking to especially with foreigners that have various cultural backgrounds is very vital as people communicate not only with their peers with the same cultural background, but they also will communicate with other people from different regions with certainly have cultural background diversity. This situation will be manifested when it comes to the works setting in particular where it will involve foreigner colleagues. English should therefore be taught as a means of cross-cultural communication (Erling, 2005; Jenkins, 2006; McKay, 2003). This situation seems urgent with the position of Indonesia now to face the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) which is considered less ready in terms of foreign language mastery and foreign cultural understanding.

In relation with communication and culture, there have been popular notions regarding the relationship of language with culture. As cited in Ali et. al (2015), an American antrophologist Sapir (1921) argues that culture is language dependent on account of conveying the implicit meaning and inherited pattern of life. Robinett (1980) affirms with the view that culture and language cannot be separated. He maintains that the culture of a society is significantly reflected through its language.  Although in communication linguistic accuracy is required for language users to communicate effectively, when language “is used in contexts of communication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways” (Kramsch, 1998). Since language and culture are closely linked, thus, intercultural knowledge should be taken into account in the communication. It is because intercultural awarness cannot grow naturally (Yueqin, 2014).  

            Living in a globalisation era in which new technologies are developed rapidly through a variety of devices allows us to act in an autonomous way for exploring the advantages of technology-based world. The important role of new technologies to communicate in the globalized world we live in cannot be denied in every single aspect of our lives. The presence of network-based context in technology that can be connected to mobile phone or tablets and computers is supposed to be media for communication to make the way of  communication itself effective and easier in nature. Nowadays, people do not need to go to the big cities or tourism objects to find new people or foreigner with the different cultural background. The inovative technologies that emerge gradually help people communicate easier and more economical with others. They may sit down or lay in the bed to engage with people everywhere with the gadgets connected to the internet through social media. 

Social media as the name indicates, have become significantly popular component of everyday people lives since the internet has been developed time by time and the number of internet users is increasing day by day. Media for social interaction allows people to communicate and engage with information that is quickly accessible on the internet (Sawyer, 2011). Some popular social media such as skype, facebook, twitter, YM, line, Whats App, and so on provide a context where people accross the world can interact, communicate, exchange messages, share knowledge with each other regadless of the distance that separates them. It is in line with Chen and Zhang (2010) who state that the compression of time and space, due to the convergence of new media and globalization, has shrunk the world into a much smaller interactive field (Chen and Zhang, 2010). 

Looking at the facts that social media bring favorable impacts on communication  way among people in the recent era, thus it should be taken into consideration that some social media can be used effectively as instruments for research purposes on communication. To specify the instrument for this study, WhatsApp application as a social media will be chosen due to its excellent features. Its excellence has made it become the most used messenger application in the world according to founder Jan Koum in 2015.  One of the excellent features provided by the application is the ability of its voice calling with the high quality. Another advantage of the application is that the messages both oral and written are delivered fast although the internet connection of the gadgets used is considered low. Through this tangible evidence, taking this application into account will be favorable for the research itself. For the clarity purposes, henceforth the term of WA-based English conversation practice will refer to the use of WhatsApp application as a media for conversation practice. 

Departing from these three factors (communication, culture, and technology), English teacher rightly should begin rethinking how to alter their teaching approaches to ascertain their students to be interconnected with the globalized world. If teachers have generated their new learning approaches, there will be no reasons enclosed of lacking of opportunities to experience interactive cross-cultural communication in English among students (Liu, 2005). Meanwhile regarding the static teaching approach, Chen (2007) puts forward that in classroom settings, non-native English-speaking teachers, often teaching in their local language, typically struggle to teach pragmatic competence. Lacking extensive knowledge of the English pragmatic system, he adds, these teachers often focus their teaching on textbooks to help students perform well on their exams. As a result, students have inadequate competence in intercultural communication. 

There are no numerous studies related to the topic of integrative technology for learning intercultural communication, let alone employing WhatsApp aplication which can be categorized as new application to be integrated to the study. Some studies regarding learning intercultural communication through technology involve the use of computer-enhanced such as websites, forums, google doc, and video call application famous as skype. The first project led by Aida Cuestas Verjane from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain regarding using skype in a primary class suggests that one of the main benefits that ICT brings into the language classroom is the ability to create a real necessity for students to speak in the target language and try to have a conversation because digital tools can bring them into contact with circumstances from the outside world (creating authenticity). Secondly, as researched by Shu Ching Yang a professor from National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, authentic language learning environments can be created through technology use. It promotes cross cultural understanding towards Taiwan students. Thirdly, the project Aleksandra Wach in terms of advanced learners’ intercultural experience through computer-enhanced technology, it reveals  that high levels of ICT use to get information about the culture of English-speaking countries, but also enhanced interest in other cultures, openness to cultural differences and willingness to communicate with foreigners through CMC (Computer-mediated communication).  

In conclusion, the notions of this writing concretely is expected to be understood as a gate to contribute towards educational field especially in teaching and learning English to consider this framework into their material development in teaching both speaking skill and intercultural communication. Practically, this essay also is intended to offer some practical solutions to the problems of English language teaching and learning. Adopting innovative ways of teaching by using available digital tools which is expected to become effective teaching and learning means might become the answer of the notion. Therefore the notions are expected to contribute to the field of teaching and learning English to the area of syllabus design or material development.

Ali, S., et. al. 2015. The Importance of Culture in Second and Foreign Language Learning. Volume 15 (1). Jakarta: Dinamika Ilmu
Chen, G.M., & Zhang, K. 2010. New Media and Cultural Identity in the Global Society. In Hanbook of Research on Discourse Behaviour and Digital Communication: Language structures and Social Interaction (pp. 801-815). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc.
Sawyer, R. 2011. “The impact of New Social Media on Intercultural Adaptation”. Senior Honor projects. Paper 242. http://digitalcommon.uri.edu/srhonorsprog/242
Thanasoulas, D. 2001. The Importance of Teaching Culture In the Foreign Language Classroom. Radical Pedagogy Journal of TESOL Greece
Yueqin, H. 2014. Fostering Intercultural Communication Competence of Foreign Language Learners. Cross Cultural Communication Journal. CSCanada: Canada

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