Friday, October 3, 2014

Tugas Mata Kuliah Management in Education

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Teaching and Learning Management in Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung

A.    Preface (The Meaning and The Aim of Teaching and Learning Management)
The management of the learning process according to Rohani (2004: 123) are all activities that are directly intended to achieve specific learning goals (determining the entry behavior of students, preparing lesson plans, provide information, ask, assess, and so on).  

While classroom management refers to activities that create and maintain optimal conditions for the process of learning (coaching rapport, termination behavior of learners that distract the class, giving the reward for standard time, completion of the task by setting norms productive group, and so on ).
In essence, the learning process emphasizes both goal attainment dimension of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, so that the achievement should be integrated unified totality of the personality of the learner (Syafaruddin and Irwan Nasution, 2005: 100).  Furthermore Syafaruddin and Irwan Nasution (2005: 76) mention the role of the teacher as a manager doing the learning is the process of directing students to perform learning activities in order to change behavior (cognitive, afectif, and psychomotor) to adulthood.
B.     Aspects to Watch on Learning Process Management in Pribadi Bilingual School Bandung
There are several aspects that can be considered in the preventive management of teaching and learning in the classroom, as proposed Ahmad Rohani (2004: 127) are as follows:
1. Teaching and Learning Situations and Conditions
The physical environment where learning important influence in determining the success of the learning process. Favorable physical environment and the fulfilment of the minimum requirements will support the teaching and learning process intensity. In Pribadi Bilingual School Bandung the physical environment is supported by high-quality of modern equipment. Each class in the Pasiad school partners is equipped by modern technological equipment such as LCD, smart boards, and computers and is also equipped with various laboratories of international standard such as: chemistry lab, physics, biology, and computers. With the existence of this facility, the teaching and learning process will be more optimal. As reported by the head of public relation of the scool, many students of Pribadi Bilingual School always got best medals (gold, silver, bronze) in almost every exhibition of eiher national or international olympiad.
2. Socio-Emotional Conditions 
Socio-emotional in the classroom has a very big role as a determinant of successful learning, the excitement or enthusiasm of learners is the effectiveness of the achievement of learning goals. As for including socio-emotional conditions are as follows:
2.1 The attitude of teachers
Teachers in Pribadi Bilingual School Bandung are good at attitude. It is shown when they are teaching in the class room. I did not find any rude words or action when they were teaching. Futhermore, teachers are selected based on the performance of their behaviour, particulary those who are good at reading Qur’an. The good attitude also is shown when the teacher opens the lesson. He or she will pray before opening the lesson. Also, either teachers or students are usuallu do praying (shalat) together and worship (doing wiridan) in a long du’a.
2.2 Voice of teacher
Most teachers in Pribadi Bilingual School Bandung are still young and unmarried. It means that they still have good power in delivering a lecture/lesson. It is very different when I observed to the state school. Most of the teacher are old enough and their voice is relatively small and tend not to talkative.
2.3 Development of rapport
In Pribadi Billingual Boarding School, students are classified into several groups. It is intended to make students good at making relationship each other. Every group has a supervisor who will monitor the students both in academic and non-academic achievement.
      C. Some Implementations in Teaching and Learning Management that Differ between Pribadi Bilingual School with other schools
1. The Implementation of “Mini Class” System
Mini class which is implemented in Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung can be simply defined as a class which consists of several students. In Pribadi school, each class consists of as many as 24 students. It is less then in the state school that usually consists of more than 30 students. According to Fandi, a head of PR of the school, there are several advantages of this system.
First, the class is more condusive so the teacher and students can deal with the lesson properly. It creates good atmosphere during the learning process. The teacher will stay focus on the students and the lesson.
Second, students and class are easy to be monitored. Teacher can monitor an pay attention to every student easily. It also can make teacher ease to check whether or not the students understand the lesson. Futhermore, the teacher will not find any dificulties in managing the classroom such as when there will do test, the teacher will manage the student’s position easily.
Third, the relation between teacher and students is closer and more attentive. This is related to do with behavioral approach. Students can be opened and feel no gaps between them so when they have problem, they will share the probems to the teacher.
2. The Implementation of “Single-Sex Classroom” System
Single-Sex Class means that all students within the classroom are the same gender such as a  class that only consists of boys or girls. This system is implemented in Pribadi Bilingual School Bandung. The aim of this system is to create a good atmosphere among the people in the school. This is related to religious and moral that reinforces in the school. Teachers i Pribadi School also teach based on their gender. For man teacher is only allowed to teach male student and woman teacher is also only allowed to teach the female students. I believe that this is a good system in order to keep students doing good manners. Teachers also can be closer to the students without any point of view.
3. The Implementation of “5-Minute Lag Time Rest” System for Every Hour Lesson
The implementation of 5-minute lag time rest system for every hour lesson which is implemented in Pribadi School means that in every finish of the lesson, there will be a free time as long as 5 minutes for students. In this time, students can use the time for rest, go to toilet, have some snack, and so on. This is intended to avoid the fatigue experienced by students as a result of the implementation of two curricula at once. In addition, Pribadi School starts the lesson from 07.30 a.m to 03.10 p.m.

        D. Conclusion and Recommendation
1. Conclusion
In conclusion, there are several aspects to watch on learning process management in Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung. Those are:
1.      Teaching and learning situations and conditions. This involves the equipment and tools which support the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. A good equipment will affect the achievement of the student.
2.      Sosio-Emotional Condition. Socio-emotional in the classroom has a very big role as a determinant of successful learning. This involves the attitude of teachers, voice of teacher, and the development of rapport.
3.      There are some implementations in teaching and learning management that differ between pribadi bilingual school with other schools. Tose are the implementation of mini class system, single-sex classroom system and 5-minute lag time rest system for every hour lesson.
2. Recommendation
The management of the learning process is the most important aspect, especially in increasing the favorable atmosphere in prose learning. But this will be constrained if the components involved cannot leverage the potential and cooperation in creating the conducive atmosphere. Therefore, in the management of teaching and learning teachers need to first pay attention to those aspects that can support the process, in collaboration with the various components of learning.

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